Title: Large Field Ranges from Aligned and Misaligned Winding


I focus on the attempt to construct effective axions with parametrically large decay constants in type IIB string models summarising work with A. Hebecker and D. Junghans (arXiv: 1812.05626). I argue that such axions can be realised as long winding trajectories in complex-structure moduli space by an appropriate flux choice. The simplest models with aligned winding in a 2-axion field space fail due to a general no-go theorem. However, equally simple models with misaligned winding appear to have large decay constants but no large monotonic regions in the potential. I also show that the no-go theorem can be avoided by aligning three or more axions which in principle allows large decay constants and large monotonic regions in the potential. These results may be used to argue against the refined Swampland Distance Conjecture and strong forms of the axionic Weak Gravity Conjecture.

Event website: CERN.