Invited Seminar Talk Bologna
Title: The Standard Model Quiver in de Sitter String Compactifications
With the advent of the string landscape, the realisation of the Standard Model in general string theory compactifications to 4D has become a primary focus. This talk concerns novel constructions of the Standard Model in global set-ups of type IIB Calabi-Yau compactifications. We argue that the Standard Model quiver can be embedded into compact Calabi-Yau geometries through orientifolded D3-branes at del Pezzo singularities dP𝑛 with n ≥ 5 in a framework including moduli stabilisation. To illustrate our approach, we explicitly construct a local dP5 model via a combination of Higgsing and orientifolding. This procedure reduces the original dP5 quiver gauge theory to the Left-Right symmetric model with three families of quarks and leptons as well as a Higgs sector to further break the symmetries to the Standard Model gauge group. We embed this local model in a globally consistent Calabi-Yau flux compactification with tadpole and Freed-Witten anomaly cancellations. The model features closed string moduli stabilisation with a de Sitter minimum from T-branes, supersymmetry broken by the Kähler moduli, and the MSSM as the low energy spectrum. We further discuss phenomenological and cosmological implications of this construction.